What plants can grow in a dark bathroom?

Want to learn what plants can grow in a dark bathroom? Although it’s not the first place you might think of growing houseplants, the bathroom can create the perfect conditions for a number of houseplants.

Plants will not only thrive, but they can also enhance the aesthetics of your bathroom, creating a luxurious and relaxing environment. This article describes the best bathroom plants that adapt to your bathroom conditions and look great too. (1)

What are the best plants for the dark bathroom? Look for plants that thrive in low light and high humidity conditions, and that can tolerate fluctuations in temperature. At first glance, this may seem like a high request to fill, but there are many to choose from.


What plants can grow in a dark bathroom?

This list of the best plants for the bathroom covers a wide variety of types, from those with succulent qualities to plants that grow in the form of long, hanging vines, and even ones that are carnivorous!

They can be placed on window sills, spread over the edge of a large bathtub, or even hung in the shower to take advantage of high humidity levels.



Cyclamen, a popular winter flowering plant, is known for its compact growth, beautiful flowers, and decorative foliage. Depending on the variety chosen, the plants grow 6 to 12 inches tall and are adorned with silver and green patterned leaves.

The flowers can be brightly colored or pastel shades, and range in size from large, gaudy displays to small, highly scented blooms.

While the plants are in flower, keep the root ball moist without overwatering. Plants benefit if they are grown in a well-draining growing medium. Water from the bottom, placing the cyclamen in a sink full of water, or keeping it in a tray that can be filled. The cyclamen prefers temperatures of about 60 degrees and places with a lot of light.

Once the plant stops blooming, it naturally goes into a state of torpor which sadly makes it seem like the plant is dying. With proper care, you can keep it alive so it can flourish again in the following years. Let the leaves yellow and run their course, removing the foliage as it dies and suspending watering.

Once all the leaves are dead, place the plant in a cool, somewhat dark place until the following summer. At that time, transplant the corm and move the plant to a warmer location to bring it out of dormancy.


Aloe vera

Prized for its ability to soothe burns and other skin irritations, the aloe vera plant is one of the most widely grown indoor succulents in the world. The aloe plant is even known in some circles as a first-aid plant, burn plant, or miracle plant.

Although most people grow them in the kitchen to use if they get burned while cooking, aloe plants are good to have in the bathroom too, especially if you are prone to razor bumps or razor burns.

Place your aloe vera plant in a terracotta pot with a well-draining soil mix. Terracotta pots allow better airflow through the walls of the container, helping the root zone to dry out more quickly. In addition, its additional weight prevents the plant from tipping over.

Water your aloe plant only when the potting soil is almost completely dry. This can mean every two weeks during the warmer months of the summer, and up to every month or two during the winter, when the plant is dormant.


Phalaenopsis orchids

Many people believe that orchids are difficult plants to grow indoors, and this is not true of many varieties that you can purchase from your local nursery. Phalaenopsis orchids are actually quite hardy and tough, adapting to a wide variety of growing conditions. Its impressive appearance and colors add a bright accent to bathrooms.

Unlike other houseplants, orchids are not grown in potting soil but are instead planted in substrates such as bark chips, stones, or other loose materials to provide exceptional drainage. Orchids prefer to stay on the drier side and need a lot of air in the root zone, so avoid overwatering.



Similar to aloe plants, haworthia is another excellent succulent to place in the bathroom. There are more than 80 species to choose from; the most widely cultivated varieties are the pearl plant, the zebra haworthia and the star window plant.

Pearl plants have thick, fleshy leaves and the back is covered with white tubers, giving the plant a pearly appearance. In zebra haworthia, they are arranged in horizontal bands to create a striped look. The star window plant has semi-transparent “windows” on the tops of the leaves instead of the white bumps.

Place the haworthia plants in a place where they do not receive direct sunlight, but a lot of light. Let the potting mix dry completely between waterings and prevent water from dripping onto the fleshy leaves. Transplant every two years.



Commonly known as the Madagascar dragon tree, Dracaena can grow to an impressive 8 to 15 feet tall and over 8 feet wide. Although low light can hinder plant growth, it is still on my list as one of the best plants for the bathroom due to its hardy nature and great looks.

Young plants are small and bushy, with stiff, purple-red leaves. As the plants mature, they develop woody stems and become more arboreal.

Keep the potting soil well-drained and continuously moist, but not excessively soggy, as a saturated root zone often causes leaves to drop or yellow. Fertilize the plants every two weeks during the spring and summer, reducing the frequency to once a month in the fall, and forgoing fertilization altogether during the winter months when the plant is dormant.

If your Dracaena is growing too large for its space, prune the top. The new growth will sprout just below the cutting in a few weeks and the removed cane can be used to reproduce a new plant.



Bromeliads are grown as much for their magnificent foliage as for the beauty of their flowers if a blooming type is chosen. These bold and elegant houseplants work well in a variety of decors ranging from contemporary to tropical, adding an exotic touch to your bathroom.

Most bromeliads need a well-lit location in the bathroom, out of the direct sun, and prefer warmer temperatures (above 75 ℉) to induce flowering. Keep the growing medium moist without overwatering; its short root systems do not support too much water.

Bromeliad plants with a central water-retaining “vase” need to have the vase constantly filled with water, emptying it every two months and refilling it with fresh, clean water.



Ferns are another houseplant that is making a comeback, and they are found in many modern homes. There are over two thousand different varieties that grow indoors, but only a portion is commercially available for purchase. Some of the most widely cultivated ferns are the sword fern, Boston fern, maidenhair fern, bird’s nest fern, and button fern.

Moist air is essential for growing ferns, which makes them excellent plants for the bathroom since they often have problems in more arid indoor spaces. They thrive in temperatures between 60 and 70 ℉ and do best in bright, but indirect light. Keep your growing medium constantly moist and spray the fronds regularly.


Arrowhead plant

Closely related to the incredibly common philodendron, the arrowhead plant is also known as goosefoot because of its large arrow-shaped leaves. The extensive leaves are available in a variety of color tones ranging from deep, dark green to bronze, with many grades and shades of variegation.

The arrow-shaped plant needs to be protected from direct sunlight, so your bathroom is an optimal place if it only receives diffuse sun exposure. The warm and humid air from the shower helps the plant to grow vigorously. Keep the temperature between 60 and 85 ℉ and water thoroughly when the top layer of soil is dry to the touch.

Trailing vines can be trained to climb support structures if provided. As the plant ages, the arrowhead-shaped leaves mature into lobed leaves. If the juvenile arrowhead leaf shape is desired, cut the climbing stems when they form to prevent the plant from maturing.

The arrowhead plant has mild to moderate toxicity when ingested by pets, so keep that in mind if you have pets that may be prone to nibbling on your indoor plants.


Peace lily

Another favorite indoor plant, the peace lily tolerates low light conditions and produces delicate white flowers in spring and summer. When grown outdoors, the plants can grow up to 6 feet tall; indoors their height is limited to 3 to 4 feet tall if they have good growing conditions.

Peace lilies make great bathroom plants, as they love a warm, humid environment. Keep your peace lily away from cold drafts and air conditioning vents, keep the potting soil moist but not soggy, and periodically give your plant compost with a higher phosphorous content to help. to promote flowering.

The yellowish leaves on your peace lily mean that it is receiving too much sunlight or water on a regular basis. Brown or striped leaves indicate that the plant has been exposed to direct light and should be moved to a place where it receives diffuse sunlight.


Cast iron plant

Cast iron is an almost indestructible substance that can survive a wide range of conditions; This name is appropriate for the cast iron plant, as it tolerates low light, low humidity, infrequent watering, and temperature fluctuations.

Cast iron plants became popular in homes during the Victorian era, when living conditions were dark and stuffy, away from the bright and airy houses of today. Over time, its popularity has been surpassed by other indoor plants, such as peace lilies, snake plants, or philodendrons. However, they are still a fantastic choice for homeowners and one of the best bathroom plants due to their hardy nature.

Since cast iron plants can survive a wide variety of conditions, they grow somewhat slowly compared to other indoor plants; They will take time to mature to their full size of about 3 feet tall. Keep them out of direct sunlight to prevent the 18-inch leaves from burning.

Let the soil dry out between waterings and water sparingly during the winter months. Avoid the instinct to replant your cast iron plant frequently. Frequent transplantation is one of the few troubles of the plant; transplant in spring every 4 to 5 years, dividing the plants and replenishing the potting soil at that time.

Periodically, small purple flowers may bloom at the base of the cast iron plant’s stems, just above the soil surface.


Chinese immortelle

If you are looking for a low-maintenance plant that can thrive in low-light conditions, an Aglaonema, or Chinese evergreen is one of the most recommended. The dark green foliage of the Chinese evergreen comes in a variety of colors to suit any décor: plain green, mottled, spotted, and even variegated.

The leaves are adorned with silver accents and reach a size of up to 24 inches long and 3 to 4 inches wide. Mature plants make an attractive corner display plant when they grow over 4 feet tall and wide.

For optimal health, make sure the Chinese perennial has well-draining soil and keeps temperatures in the 70s. They can survive lower temperatures, but avoid placing them near leaking windows or other cold drafts, such as air conditioning vents, where they can drop below 50-55 ℉ to minimize leaf fall. Water the plants when the potting soil is dry, and fertilize once or twice a year when the plant is actively growing.

Periodically use a clean, damp cloth to wipe the dust from large foliage to allow your Chinese perennial to do optimal photosynthesis even in low light. Also note that older, lower leaves may yellow and fall over time; This is a normal growth habit for the plant and does not usually pose a problem.


Spider plant

Another classic and dependable indoor plant for the bathroom, the spider plant is a great choice for hanging baskets or to place on top of a cupboard or plant stand in your bathroom. The spider plant grows in a number of conditions and suffers from very few problems other than the brown tips that arise from dry air. Increased natural humidity in the bathroom can prevent the tips from darkening, keeping the plant looking its best.

Spider plants are also known as the airplane plant, as they produce baby plants, or spider mites, in the spring and summer following flowering. The tiny seedlings hang under the long, slender arched leaves of the mother plant, looking like spiders in a web. These young can be allowed to grow on the plant to create an attractive display or they can be removed and potted to reproduce new plants.



Pothos plants have an incredibly laid-back character, making them one of the easiest and best bathroom plants. They are perfect for beginners as they survive in low light and don’t seem to mind missing an occasional watering. They have pointed, heart-shaped leaves that come in shades of green showing variegations of white, yellow, and pale green.

The plants usually grow in the form of a vine and can reach 9 meters in length. Water liberally during your active growing season, but allow potting soil to dry out slightly between waterings; transplant in the spring as needed.

People often mistake pothos and philodendron plants as plants, as they are incredibly similar in appearance. Pothos plants typically have larger leaves than philodendrons and are covered in a layer of wax.


Grape ivy

If you are looking for a low-maintenance climbing plant for your bathroom, grape ivy is a good option to consider. A member of the grape family, grape ivy gets its name from the great resemblance it bears to the ivy of the Hedera family.

When grown indoors, the plants can grow up to 3 feet wide, with trailing vines that reach 8 to 10 feet long. It tolerates low light conditions, prefers temperatures below 80 ° F, and likes the potting soil to dry out slightly before re-watering.

Grape ivy grows well in hanging baskets or tall urns, or when allowed to cascade on top of cabinets. Pinch plants periodically to create fuller, busier growth.


Snake plant

Another of the most widely cultivated indoor plants, the snake plant, or mother-in-law’s tongue, is great for bathrooms where there is not much natural exposure to the sun. Its striking appearance and low maintenance make it a great addition to the bathroom.

The sword-shaped leaves of the snake plant grow to a meter in height or more, and come in a variety of shapes: short and wide, narrow and long, and even cylindrical to give the plant a spike-like appearance. The leaves come in a wide range of colors, from white to yellow, through green stripes and crossed green leaves with different golden edges.

Snake plants are easy to care for withstanding dry spells, grow in full sun or shade, and rarely need to be replanted. Be careful not to overwater a snake plant, as it is very susceptible to root rot.


Lucky bamboo

Although not true bamboo plants, but a member of the Dracaenas family and related to the aforementioned Madagascar dragon tree, lucky bamboo is popular in Asian decoration.

They are believed to bring good luck to the surrounding space and their flexible stems are topped with a ruffled leaf flower, adding an extra touch.

Lucky bamboos are slow-growing and thrive in low light conditions, growing up to a meter in height. Keep them out of direct sunlight, as this can bleach or burn the leaves, causing irreparable damage.

Lucky bamboo plants are usually grown in water, without soil, but instead are kept upright in a container with marbles, stones, or other inert material. Change the water every 2 to 3 weeks to prevent algae growth and periodically fertilize with a portion of aquatic plant food.



There are dozens of Peperomia species that are grown as houseplants due to their compact stature, beautiful foliage, and ability to tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. Some of the most cultivated species are watermelon peperomia, emerald wavy peperomia, baby gum plant, cupid peperomia, and creeping peperomia.

Place your peperomia plant in a bright spot in the bathroom, out of the direct sun, to prevent the sun from burning the leaves. Avoid overwatering – the most common reason peperomia plants die – by letting the top two inches of the growing medium dry before giving the plant more water. Peperomias have succulent characteristics that make them adaptable to low humidity levels, but they thrive in bathrooms where the air is more humid.


Dumb cane

The dumb cane or Dieffenbachia is another beautiful plant that is incorporated into interior designs, either alone or grouped together to create a large and dramatic effect. When mature, the dumb cane plant can reach a height of 1.5 meters with leaves 12 inches long. Shades of cream, yellow or white punctuate the sheets, providing a pop of color in the dark corners of a bathroom.

Dieffenbachia grows best in filtered light conditions, especially during spring and summer, when the plants are producing new, tender leaves that are incredibly susceptible to sunburn. Rotate the plants often so that all sides of the plant get adequate light and uneven growth does not occur.

Water when the top of the potting soil is dry to the touch and minimize exposure to cold temperatures or drafts to prevent leaf drop. Fertilize the plant at least once or twice a year for optimal health and growth.

It is best to keep this plant out of the reach of pets and small children. The milky white sap of the plant can cause temporary swelling of the tongue and throat, leading to a temporary loss of speech. Hence the name of dumb cane.



Philodendron is another popular and classic houseplant, highly recommended even for those with the blackest thumb. They are incredibly easy to care for, as the plants adapt to a wide range of growing conditions.

Philodendron plants can be either the climbing/creeper type or the autocephalous (non-climbing) type. Climbing types are typically grown in hanging baskets or trained to grow on some type of support structure. Non-climbing types have an upright, spreading growth habit and need plenty of room, as they will grow twice as wide as they are tall.

Place your philodendron in a location that receives lots of bright, indirect light. If the light is poor, the plants will become weaker and will have several centimeters between the leaves. Too much light will cause many leaves to yellow simultaneously. Water when the top of the potting soil is dry to avoid overwatering.


Pitcher plant

The only carnivorous plant on the list, the pitcher plant is a unique houseplant to add to your bathroom décor. Its modified leaves look like tubes and are known as fall traps – a deep cavity filled with digestive fluid.

Pitcher plants have their unique shape due to nitrogen deficiencies in the soil. Therefore, when grown indoors, they do best in low fertility growing media; a mixture of peat, bark, and vermiculite is perfect for them. When grown indoors, keep the growing medium constantly moist and fertilize the plants with high-quality orchid food monthly during the active growing season.


Weeping fig

The weeping fig is a member of the popular ficus family and is more tree-like than other ficus species. Its name is due to the characteristic narrow, arrow-shaped leaves that cover the delicate woody stems. Weeping figs often adorn doctors ‘and dentists’ offices and the aisles of shopping malls for their majestic character.

One of the most important parts of successfully growing weeping figs indoors is determining a proper watering schedule. This can be a complicated task, which can lead to leaf drop if not done correctly, as both a lack of water and too much water cause the plant’s leaves to drop.

It is best to maintain a constant and even watering schedule during the warmer months, when the weeping fig tree is actively growing, and a reduced, but consistent schedule, in the colder winter months, when plant growth slows.


Asparagus fern

Contrary to its name, the asparagus fern is not related to asparagus, nor is it a true fern, but it is still an excellent plant to put in your bathroom if you have low light. The asparagus fern belongs to the lily family and has long, arched stems or branches, densely covered with short needle-shaped leaflets.

When they reach maturity, the plants can be between 1 and 1 meter wide; Its cascading stems can be up to 1 meter long, making the asparagus fern a perfect plant for a hanging basket.

Keep the plant pruned to maintain a nice shape, but be careful of the thorns on the stems when you prune them. Water when the soil begins to dry out and periodically mist the foliage with room temperature water to keep humidity high around the leaves. The asparagus fern will drop its tiny leaflets if the air in your home is too dry.

Be careful though, this delicate-looking houseplant has thorns on its stems and is toxic to cats and dogs.



Although many people grow gardenias as shrubs outside,, they are one of the best bath plants due to their heady scent. They are pickier than the other plants on this list, requiring a little more care and attention, but they are worth it.

Gardenias, like other flowering plants, need a minimum of four hours of light a day, preferring direct sunlight. During the winter months, allow the top of the potting soil to dry 2 to 3 cm before watering.

They love high humidity levels, so a bathroom is an ideal place. Gardenia plants can withstand normal indoor temperatures during the day, but like them to be cooler at night, another reason bathrooms are an ideal place, as they are often the coolest rooms in the house.


Still, you have questions about what plants can grow in a dark bathroom? Leave a comment and I’ll do my best to help.


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